Monday, November 4, 2013

Another one from Chris Pinto: The Final Antichrist

Radio show 11/04/13: The Final Antichrist gets into many questions about the identity of the Antichrist as understood down the centuries, most of them, non-Catholic anyway, identifying the papacy, and how it all relates to the FINAL Antichrist as described in Revelation.

 Mentions that the familiar practice we often encounter today in discussions of end times prophecy, of guessing that this or that world leader is THE Antichrist, is "historically a Catholic thing to do," while Protestants have always identified him as the Pope. From quotes shows how it took Luther a couple of years to be convinced that the Pope is the Antichrist, then gets into quotes from Francis Turretin a century or so later, who also arrived at the conclusion that the Pope is the Antichrist.  

Some of the amazing claims of the papacy to be above all law, "the lawless one."

Some discussion of the meaning of the Mark of the Beast according to Turretin

Historical understanding of being forbidden by the Antichrist to buy or sell.

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