Monday, May 28, 2012

The Influence of Rome in America

Chris Pinto is one of the best sources of information about the history of the Roman Church. This radio show The Influence of Rome in America, focuses on today's capitulation of supposedly Protestant leaders to Rome, in betrayal of the Protestant Reformation. Few voices are raised against this these days and when they are they are often mistreated in the same spirit as the martyrs to the Reformation were.

This radio broadcast starts out with a clip of a moment in European Parliament in 1988 when Pope John Paul II had just begun to speak, and pastor and politician Ian Paisley stood up and denounced him as Antichrist. Well, today's political correctness is against Paisley's views and apparently all for Rome so Paisley was manhandled and taken out of the meeting. Yet he was a legitimate member of the parliament himself and was responding to a violation of a rule that a visit from the Pope should have been put to a vote.

From there Pinto goes on to talk about how Protestants are capitulating to Rome more and more these days, contrasting today's attitude with the courageous Protestantism of Paisley.

He goes on to say that Paisley's denunciation of the Pope was in the same words spoken by Archbishop Cranmer in the time of the Catholic queen of England known as Bloody Mary for her slaughter of Protestants. Cranmer had been imprisoned for his rejection of Romanism and under duress had recanted his Protestant beliefs in writing, but when brought out to make his recantation public, instead he renounced his own recantation, and said that if they put him to the flames he would thrust the hand into the flames first that had written those terrible things against the true faith. And he ended his speech with what Paisley echoed in the European parliament: And as for the Pope I denounce him as Christ's enemy and Antichrist with all his false doctrines.

Paisley has also written that seat number 666 in the European Parliament is vacant, also that the chosen symbol of the Parliament is a woman riding a horned beast, depicted in a sculpture outside an EU office in Brussels, in a painting inside the parliament building in Brussels, on a stamp issued to commemorate the EU and on Euro coins. Both the image and the number are echoes of the identity of the Harlot Church riding the beast which is the revived Roman Empire from the Book of Revelation. There are also themes connecting the European Union with the Tower of Babel. In fact the tower part of the building in which the Parliament meets looks awfully similar to Breughel's painting of the Tower of Babel. Paisley's article about all this is on the website of the European Institute of Protestant Studies which I've linked in the margin.

It isn't just Paisley, or Cranmer, but the testimony of the Protestant Reformers and of all true Christians back a thousand years, that the Pope is the Antichrist.

But in our day this has been forgotten and we have "evangelicals" treating Rome instead as a Christian brother.

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